As a naturalized citizen and a queer person, the significance of voting transcends the mere act of casting a ballot. It is a profound statement of identity, agency, and commitment to the principles that underpin the U.S. democracy. My journey to becoming an American citizen has endowed me with a unique perspective on the importance of this civic duty and my intersectional identity as a queer person reminds me why I must.

Voting is the bedrock of a functioning democracy. It is through voting that we express our voices, choose our leaders, and influence policies that shape our lives. For marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals and people of color, voting is not just a right but a powerful tool for advocacy and change.

Research consistently shows that voter participation can significantly impact policy decisions that affect traditionally under represented communities. According to a report by the Williams Institute, policies favoring LGBTQ+ rights are more likely to be enacted in areas with higher voter turnout among LGBTQ+ individuals–seems about correct. This underscores the importance of our collective voice in the political arena.

As someone who embodies multiple identities, I understand the multiplicative power of voting. Intersectionality—the idea that various forms of oppression intersect—plays a crucial role in shaping our experiences and challenges. For example, policies that benefit the LGBTQ+ community may also intersect with issues affecting people of color, immigrants, and other marginalized groups.

Voting allows us to support candidates and policies that recognize and address these intersections. By casting our ballots, we advocate for comprehensive solutions that consider the full spectrum of our identities. This holistic approach is vital for creating an inclusive society where everyone can thrive.

My journey as a naturalized citizen has been marked by both challenges and triumphs. The process of becoming an American involved tests of my knowledge of U.S. history and government, instilling in me a deep appreciation for and desire to better understand the democratic process. Voting for me, therefore, is not just a right but a privilege, and one I do not take lightly.

Jim Obergefell Human Rights CampaignAs a queer person, I have witnessed the tangible impact of political decisions on my community. From the legalization of same-sex marriage to the ongoing fight for anti-discrimination protections, the power of our votes is evident. These advancements were made possible by elected officials who championed our rights, emphasizing the importance of participating in every election, whether local, state, or national.

In my role as a community guide and business leader, I strive to set an example by actively participating in the electoral process. Encouraging others to vote and providing resources to make voting accessible are integral parts of my advocacy. Leadership in this context means not only promoting civic engagement but also fostering an environment where everyone feels empowered to make their voices heard.

Businesses, especially those led by or serving marginalized communities, have a unique role in promoting voter engagement. Initiatives such as providing paid time off for employees to vote, hosting voter registration drives, and partnering with organizations that advocate for voting rights are just a few ways businesses can support this vital civic duty.

Voting is more than an act of personal expression; it is a declaration of power, our collective power and a commitment to shaping a just and equitable society. As a naturalized citizen and queer person, my vote is a testament to the struggles and triumphs of my communities. It is a reminder that every voice matters and that through our collective action, we can create lasting change.

Voting should be recognized both as a right and a responsibility.

Densil Porteous, a seasoned leader and advocate for humanity. With a multifaceted background in entrepreneurship, higher education administration, strategic marketing, development/fundraising, venture, and social impact, Porteous offers a unique perspective on a variety of topics and he shares insights on his blog, “Think Higher. Feel Deeper. – Destination: Unknown”.