Today, we find ourselves in a moment that embodies both the transient and the enduring—the swearing-in of a new President on Inauguration Day and the honoring of a leader whose legacy transcends time, Martin Luther King Jr.
Presidents will come and go. Their tenures may define eras, but their time is finite. Dr. King is no longer with us, and as years pass, the memory of the man will fade for many. Yet, the significance of the idea—the aspiration of a more just, equitable, and united nation—remains. It endures, and will endure, not just in history books (at least we hope) or speeches, but in the hearts and actions of people who continue to believe in the possibility of change.
This country may not have been built for all of us. Its foundations, by design, excluded many. And yet, we are here. It is our duty to dream of a day when the promise of this nation becomes reality for all of us. It’s not an easy dream to hold onto, but faith sustains us.
Faith is making the next move, no matter how uncertain, and believing it won’t be your last. Faith is hope in action.
On this day, we should reflect on the great aspirations of this nation and its people. We must commit to embodying the enduring legacy of Dr. King—a legacy of hope, resilience, and unwavering belief in justice.
We must move forward with faith and hope.