As the 2024 election season hits its stride, citizens are inundated with political messaging. From campaign ads to debates, the noise of political discourse dominates our news cycles on our televisions, during our in-person conversations, and the content we consume on social media. The energy and urgency of elections are palpable, but amidst this political flurry, I want to remind everyone of something equally important: the vital role that nonprofits like Stonewall Columbus play in our community.

Election years present unique challenges for organizations like ours. While political campaigns focus on candidates and short-term outcomes, nonprofits like Stonewall Columbus continue to work on long-term goals—providing essential services to the communities we serve. Unfortunately, as political causes capture the public’s attention, the steady and critical work of nonprofits can often be overshadowed.

The reality is staggering: as of mid-2024, over $3.9 billion has already been spent on this election cycle, with predictions that total expenditures could surpass $15 billion by year’s end?. PACs and political committees fuel much of this spending, and while these funds are important to the democratic process, they also drown out the voices of community nonprofits that rely on public support.

Historically, charitable donations shift during election cycles as many people are inspired to contribute to political candidates or advocacy campaigns, and while that’s important, it can come at the expense of the community-based organizations they usually support. Nonprofits often see a downturn in donations during these years, and it’s a trend we shouldn’t ignore.

But here’s the truth: while elections may change political leaders and campaigns come to an end, the needs of our community don’t come to an end. Every day, Stonewall Columbus works to provide connections to life-saving services—whether it’s mental health counseling, family creation support, or identity advocacy. The work with which many nonprofits engage is the bedrock of support for so many individuals.

At a time when the very rights of LGBTQ+ individuals are being debated in political arenas, the role of organizations like Stonewall Columbus is more critical than ever. We are the first line of defense for so many who need a safe place to turn—a lifeline when the world outside feels increasingly hostile.

So, this election season, I urge you not to lose sight of the power of local nonprofits. While candidates may promise change, it’s the daily work of organizations like Stonewall that ensures the continued well-being of the communities they serve. Your support allows us to remain resilient during the election cycle and beyond, ensuring that the services we provide can continue to change, or even save, lives.

I understand the urgency, in particular of this election, and excitement that comes with elections, but we also know that after the dust settles, the LGBTQ+ community will still need support, advocacy, and protection. So, as you consider how you direct your contributions this year, please remember that your local nonprofits are still here, doing the work that matters most–now and after the dust settles in elections. Nonprofits, like Stonewall Columbus, depend on donors to keep our doors open and our programs thriving and expanding to meet demand as communities continue to grow. 

So, as you engage in this election season, we ask that you don’t forget about us. We, the nonprofits that fill in the gaps in services that governments can’t provide on their own.

Densil Porteous, is a seasoned leader and advocate for humanity. With a multifaceted background in entrepreneurship, higher education administration, strategic marketing, development/fundraising, venture, and social impact. Porteous serves as the 11th Executive Director to lead the Stonewall Columbus organization in Columbus, Ohio.