A White House official said that questions about election strategy have to be handled by the Democratic National Committee and so any shake up in the President’s cabinet would really be directed by the DNC.
Outside analysts suggest the odds are slim a vice-presidential trade is in the offing, but they would not rule out the possibility entirely, especially if the polls look grim for Mr. Obama a few months from now.
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Clinton as VP opens all sorts of possibilities. It would create a big stir, it would be a way of stealing thunder from the Republicans. While Presidents are not elected because of their VP running mates there may be a precedent set here if Obama can find truly valuable ways to flush out Clinton’s job description that may give the American people some belief that she will truly be second in command and helping shape American policy on a daily basis.
We know Clinton is leaving the Secretary of State role at the end of Obama’s first term–she has said so on many occasions. Is it time for a VP roles and responsibilities update in the job description?